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Broadening Horizons:
How does life in the UK and in Malawi compare?

Malawi is a small country in South-East Africa

To explore mutual respect & tolerance 
To understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Respecting those values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own onto them.

How are we going to do this:
1. We are going to learn about life in a very different country to the UK.
2. We are going to compare our way of life to that of a Malawian.
3. We are going to explore what learning about somebody very different to you teaches us about respect and tolerance

Task 1: What do you think Malawi is like?
Have a conversation on your table?

Now watch the video below - the introduction to a film about Malawi
Has this changed what you think?


Task 2:

Complete the table that you have been given by your teacher using the data pages at the back of the atlas.

What statements can you now make about the lifestyles of people in the UK and Malawi?

Task 3:

Read these statistics below

80% of people in Malawi work on farms or growing crops in 2022
5% of all people in Malawi are at significant risk of death due to a lack of food in 2022
50% of all Malawian citizens are 'in poverty'. This means they live off less than £1.75 per day 

How does this affect how you think about Malawians?

How does this affect how you think about your own life?

Task 4:

17% of Malawians are orphans
The majority have been made into ophans through losing parents to HIV/AIDs and malaria
The start of the next video was shot at an orphanage in Blantyre, Malawi

In 2011, students at an East Yorkshire school visited Malawi to carry out projects to support local communities. You will see some of their reflections in the video.

How did the students react to their time in Malawi?


Final reflections

What has this lesson taught you about Malawi?

How can we link this to multual respect and tolerance?

If you met someone from Malawi, how would you feel having learned about their culture? How could you demonstrate respect of their culture and country? 


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